كلية الصيدلة

465366712 967341708770817 4044689195064177744 n

465097881 967341792104142 4623999843201543813 n

465098806 967341815437473 3495993343301033180 n

465116142 967341808770807 2333362910541410479 n

465118788 967341825437472 7370972373546182899 n

465144393 967341778770810 2410526314239388325 n

465152123 967341732104148 9065098116350819689 n


فى اطار فعاليات المؤتمر العالمى لكلية الصيدلة جامعة الاسكندرية PHS2024

حصل طلاب الدراسات العليا وطلاب مرحلة البكالوريوس على خمسة جوائز كان بيانها كالتالي:

🏆The Best Student Can project awarded by

(Prof. Sherin Youssef IEEE Women in STEM Award 2024 ) the project entitled

"DimedCare: Digitalized Medical Care for Healthcare Professionals"

Presented by Nabila Farouk

under the supervision of Dr Rana Khalil,

Senior clinical pharmacist- Internal medicine department, Alexandria main University Hospital.

The Best Poster Presentation Awards:

Our staff & students continued to shine and achieving top positions and awarded by

Prof. Mohamed Etman

🥇First Place Student Poster

PHS 116: Emotional eating: evaluating the risk factors through the scope of gender difference and BMI

Mariam Victor, Peter M. Besada , Roveena M. Labeeb , Silvia Z. Farid, Hebat-ALLAH I. Mandour

🥇First Place Professional Poster

PHS 301: Evaluating the clinical outcomes of antimicrobial regimens and constructing antibiograms for microbial keratitis in Alexandria, Egypt

Amira A. Nayel, Noha A. Hamdy, Tamer H. Massoud, and Nelly M. Mohamed

🥈Second Place Professional Poster

PHS 402: Multiple Analytical Techniques for Genotoxicity Assessment of Commonly Used CNS Drugs

Feda A. H. Elgammal, Suzy M. Sabry , Marwa S. Moneeb , Amira F. El-Yazbi

🥉Third Place Professional Poster

PHS 207: Neuroprotection in Prediabetic Rat Model: Novel Therapeutic Intervention via Bypassing UCP1-mediated Thermogenesis

Alaa Y. Soliman, Heba-Tallah A. Abd Elkader, Marwa Y. Sallam, Sahar M. El-Gowilly, Ahmed F.


مع اطيب التمنيات لطلاب الكلية بدوام التوفيق والنجاح

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