فى اطار فعاليات المؤتمر العالمى لكلية الصيدلة جامعة الاسكندرية PHS2024
حصل طلاب الدراسات العليا وطلاب مرحلة البكالوريوس على خمسة جوائز كان بيانها كالتالي:
The Best Student Can project awarded by
(Prof. Sherin Youssef IEEE Women in STEM Award 2024 ) the project entitled
"DimedCare: Digitalized Medical Care for Healthcare Professionals"
Presented by Nabila Farouk
under the supervision of Dr Rana Khalil,
Senior clinical pharmacist- Internal medicine department, Alexandria main University Hospital.
The Best Poster Presentation Awards:
Our staff & students continued to shine and achieving top positions and awarded by
Prof. Mohamed Etman
First Place Student Poster
PHS 116: Emotional eating: evaluating the risk factors through the scope of gender difference and BMI
Mariam Victor, Peter M. Besada , Roveena M. Labeeb , Silvia Z. Farid, Hebat-ALLAH I. Mandour
First Place Professional Poster
PHS 301: Evaluating the clinical outcomes of antimicrobial regimens and constructing antibiograms for microbial keratitis in Alexandria, Egypt
Amira A. Nayel, Noha A. Hamdy, Tamer H. Massoud, and Nelly M. Mohamed
Second Place Professional Poster
PHS 402: Multiple Analytical Techniques for Genotoxicity Assessment of Commonly Used CNS Drugs
Feda A. H. Elgammal, Suzy M. Sabry , Marwa S. Moneeb , Amira F. El-Yazbi
Third Place Professional Poster
PHS 207: Neuroprotection in Prediabetic Rat Model: Novel Therapeutic Intervention via Bypassing UCP1-mediated Thermogenesis
Alaa Y. Soliman, Heba-Tallah A. Abd Elkader, Marwa Y. Sallam, Sahar M. El-Gowilly, Ahmed F.
مع اطيب التمنيات لطلاب الكلية بدوام التوفيق والنجاح